Airbnb Partners With Real Estate Industry – Extends Services To Landlords
Airbnb is extending an olive branch to landlords who have long been wary of the home-sharing service.
The Airbnb Friendly Building Program will allow landlords to keep tabs on how their tenants are listing and renting their apartments on Airbnb – for a price.
Fortune explains it as: The program will allow building owners to apply for the program and, if accepted, decide on the terms for renting a unit in their building. The owners can submit those terms to Airbnb and change the tenant’s lease to reflect the agreements. Tenants then sign up for the Friendly Building Program through Airbnb, while Airbnb will handle payment.
While the upside of the program is that tenants will now be in accordance with their lease and won’t face eviction if they list their place without consent, they’ll also stand to make less money off the listing. Airbnb says it recommends landlords take 5% to 15%, but it’s left entirely up to the landlords to determine how much of a cut to take. But with the huge audience built into Airbnb and your landlord happy, it seems like a win-win for all.
via BI | Lead image: Photograph by Jens Kalaene — AP Images
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