Want: You Can Buy This Adult-Size Little Tikes Car That Hits 70MPH

Want: You Can Buy This Adult-Size Little Tikes Car That Hits 70MPH

That red-and-yellow coupe that was impossible to parallel park between your dresser and your bed? Well, now it’s street legal, and its for sale on eBay — best of all, your adult frame won’t have to scrunch into a fetal position to fit, because two British dudes created an adult-sized version you can drive on real roads.


Now for sale on eBay, this Little Tikes replica was built back in 2013, when mechanic John Bitmead and his brother decided the world needed this one-of-a-kind automobile. It’s just like the toy, except with real safety features like mirrors, airbags, seat belts, and lights. The car also has a manual transmission, which they say can get it up to 70 mph.


The car has been making charity runs and TV appearances since its creation, and just recently went on sale, going for about $33,000. Check out the video below:


Via Thrillist

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